it has been a great week and we have one more day of work in the bryan's home. our crew has pretty much drywalled most of the house and should finish it tomorrow. i did partially fall through the ceiling while putting insolation in the ceiling. yes, it hurt. but i think i will survive. joey from gateway also fell through and bruised his ribs. he is just trying to draw the attention away from me. oh. well. i thought i would post some pics from the trip and will put some more up next week or over the weekend. peace.
matt dunne from alhambra trying to create a hole in the ceiling!
dave's shirt shows how much we are sweating while working!
i love my glowing tennis shoes!
Hey Brother,
It was good seeing you yesterday. Love to see your boys too. Thanks for sharing those stories of the good things you guys did in loving your neighbor.
Jose Ruiz
cool pictures...i hope i can go next time.
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