Monday, October 29, 2007

usc comments for all you haters!

ok... this one is for del rio (there is your link lol) and all of my friends that love to hate on my trojans! we lost. i watching the game and lacked confidence in the offense to come back as in past years that i knew they would come back swinging. but i was not as disappointed and do not see the dynasty as dead. florida lost there 3rd game this week as well, but i am sure they are not dead. we are having a bad year, we have had a lot of injuring and the back ups have not filled the gaps as in other years, but i am excited about the development of pieces. i love the haters to bring it on! it will make it all better when we rise back to the TOP! but i promise to wear my trojan gear, invite people to watch the game this week at my house and keep moving supporting the team. i remember carson palmer playing so BAD and than BOOOOOOOOM he went off. we can hopefully the same will take place with sanchez... if not mustain waits in the wings. it seems as if everyone is panicking and that the program is falling apart. yeah... i am sure pete likes that. no excuses... we lost.

oh and the care bears lost... so that always improves a week.

oh and those stinkin red sox won! i will boycott espn for three days in my displeasure for them winning! lol.


urBenLA said...

It also doesn't help that every NFL clip you see has Tom Brady and hit butt chin throw a touchdown pass. AS IF we needed to see any more Patriot clips to show how dominant they are. We're going to have a big old Go Colts party this Sunday (after the Go Bills party where they hopefully beat the Bengals) and pray that Brady plays like a little girl and shows that he's not the guy that is making all sports media people drool. Why do they love him so? I mean, Randy Moss could make Trent Dilfer look like a solid QB.

Anonymous said...

If you're going to shout me out at least provide a weblink! HA

Props to the Dodgers for hiring two Yankee icons to return their LAckluster franchise to its Brooklyn glory.

USuCk this year.