Monday, February 06, 2006

Bono's best sermon yet: Remarks at the National Prayer Breakfast

Here is a link to Bono from U2's speech at the national prayer breakfast. If you get a chance to read the article, i would love here your comments on it.


1 comment:

J-Lou said...

As I read this transcript from his speech, many issues hit me like a ton of bricks, but the following quote is what I wish to think about for awhile...

"A number of years ago, I met a wise man who changed my life. In countless ways, large and small, I was always seeking the Lord's blessing. I was saying, you know, I have a new song, look after it…. I have a family, please look after them…. I have this crazy idea...

And this wise man said: stop.

He said, stop asking God to bless what you're doing.

Get involved in what God is doing - because it's already blessed.

Well, God, as I said, is with the poor. That, I believe, is what God is doing.

And that is what he's calling us to do."

What is God doing? A very good challenge.
