Thursday, March 09, 2006

Door of Hope

Kade, Evan and I are dedicating every other Monday to hanging out and sharing a meal with our friends at the Door of Hope in Pasadena. The address is 669 N Los Robles Ave
Pasadena, CA 91101. I am inviting anyone who is interested to come out and join us. Here are the next two upcoming dates:

Monday, March 13 th @ 5:30 pm

Monday, March 27 th @ 5:30 pm

I will be bringing Spaghetti on the 13th. If you wish to come here are some options for you to bring:
  • Paper goods for 30 people (plates, napkins, forks, spoons, knives, cups)
  • Drinks (Lemonade, Soda)
  • French Bread
  • Salad and dressing
  • Some Dessert
If you comment on what you would like to bring than people will know what is still available. It is a great time and you can even bring your kids if you have them.

Hope some of you can make it out.


pablo said...

i can;t make it on this monday. i have my motorcycle safety class. but maybe we can join you on the 27th.

urBenLA said...

let me know if you need things, I am totally willing to provide the meal a few times or cups and plates or something, but this month I can't go with you. What a great ministry though.

pablo said...

i never thought about helping even if i can't go. good idea ben.

** note to self: you are self centered individual...**

john, if sonia and i can provide "materials", let me know. we would be more than happy to help.

J-Lou said...

Pablo - if you and sonia could hook up the paper goods that woudl be great. that is many times the hardest one to cover. Thanks.

J-Lou said...

teresa - we usually leave around 7:30 becuase the kids need to get ready for bed. So if can make it for a little while that would still be cool.

Sonia:) said...

We have that big container or lemonade that you brought to the gathering. there's still a lot left.

urBenLA said...

John, why no links to "wall of gideon" or whoever the heck Killer "USC-fan, Dodgers fan, love Israel" Katz is?